A collaboration between Kai Lenny, world champion
waterman, Kim McDonald, Maui fine artist, and
Surfrider Foundation, coastal conservation champions.
A collectible, autographed Kai Lenny surfboard
designed to enhance any interior.
100% of proceeds go to Surfrider Foundation
It all started with a vision Kim had to give back to the community. Along side Kai Lenny and Surfrider Foundation, she has started an exciting journey...
"What an amazing experience this has been to collaborate on artwork with one of my all-time favorite superstar athletes, Kai Lenny. I have known Kai since he was a young boy and I have watched him grow up to become a World Champion. He is truly an inspiration.
Suitably inspired, I have joined forces with Kai and was moved to develop a unique concept with my surfboard art, bringing the elements of his footprints and autograph, along with my design aesthetic. In turn bringing to life a gorgeous aqua blue gun surfboard. The blue color represents the ocean, the green and white represent the movement in the waves of the sea. The shark is Kai's soul animal. In the Polynesian culture, sharks represent power, strength and luck.
It has always been a dream of mine to give back, get involved and do something impactful with my art. This is my something.
I am incredibly grateful to be able to work with Kai and Martin (Kai's dad/manager) It's been a wonderful, enlightening experience to share with Surfrider Foundation's facilitators. What a heartfelt, meaningful group of people. So far it has been a transcendent experience. The ingredients of Kai, Surfrider Foundation, and my art are combining to create something magical. Much greater than the sum of the parts! Please enjoy and participate in this adventure! Join our team, buy great art, and raise money for Surfrider's mission of saving beaches, oceans, and ultimately, our planet."
- Kim McDonald
Can you think of a better way to be part of the solution?